santacon8k in Clinton, NJ - Donate | ITS YOUR RACE


Clinton, NJ


Red Mill Museum

Rudolph(s) Plunge to #SavetheWheel
Race Director Eric Eisenhart ($1,000), Red Mill Director Paul Muir ($1,500), and Clinton Mayor Janice Kovach ($2,000) are pledging their "plunge" in the river after the SantaCon 8k in exchange for your pledge to help us raise funds and #SavetheWheel at Clinton's Iconic Red Mill.  It's our take on the storied Polar Plunge...and though Rudolph is typically used to cold temps at the North Pole....this might take things to a whole other level.  And so, if you'd like to see it happen...pledge your support (and donate some of your hard earned $) and we'll get these three in the river!

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